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  To be honest when I first received the syllabus for this class I was instantly intimated by the projects and assignments that this course had in store for me. Before this class I was only familiar with a small amount of technology driven platforms and devices.I dabbled in different social media and online driven educational programs. However that is about as far as my “experience” in digital writing and technology was. I never pushed myself to discover the editing apps that were already present on my phone ready and waiting for creative ideas and thoughts to be brought to reality. Instead I only followed the “mainstream” apps that had set outlines  ready for me to fill and expand on. Through these social media platforms I have learned to use technology to my advantage and share my creative passion, however through my involvement in this class I have now increased my understanding of technology and digital writing as a whole.


  When I first joined the class I was excited to take a writing course, and learn more about writing on digital interfaces. However when I actually was in the class I began to understand that the term “digital writing”, didn't mean what I originally perceived it to mean. Instead of taking this combination of technology and writing at a slow pace the class and I were instantly thrown into projects that strayed away from the traditional forms of writing. In place of a normal college essay assignment we were first asked to create an audio narrative. Something that prior to this class I was never required to do as an assignment. By doing this assignment I was able to understand a different form of written expression that could be produced from technology driven outlets. This project had me utilize the voice recorder available on my phone, and open myself up to the thought of a different way of “written” expression. By completing this project I felt a bit more comfortable with the thought of creating audio driven products. When I got over my initial fear of not being able to hide behind a piece of paper the idea of doing an audio narrative became easier to understand and complete. After my audio narrative, our next project was an audio movie review. Now this project was something altogether new for me, I not only had to understand editing software, but I also had to fuse together different tracks in order to produce a cohesive narrative. Far ahead from the prior audio recording assignment , this project pushed me to understand new techniques revolving around editing and storytelling. Through a lot of continuous revisions, I finally completed my project and presented it in class. The volume was low when I presented, however that little hiccup in my presentation has only taught me to accept the mistakes that come from my progression in this course. Aside from the individual projects that I completed, I also participated in some group projects. From creating a documentary to revising a wikipedia page, I learned to work together as a team mate and understand new forms of digital writing. When doing the documentary it was interesting to put together, from the interviews to the final layout. When I would  avoid doing interviews in previous classes this project had me and my group completely involved in a project that utilized all our efforts and collaboration.


  Overall this course was a new and at times overwhelming experience for me. Along the way I got to understand a new form of “writing” and prove to myself that I can learn new technologies and grow as a student and a person. Each assignment challenged me to bring my traditional writing skills in use with new forms of presentation and execution. From audio, blog, and wikipedia assignments this class has allowed me to understand the different forms of writing now available to many. These many tools help us express ourselves, and expand our scope. This class has taught me to expand my own personal scope and allow myself to learn about new forms of expression through digital writing.

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